• Faces from your community

    We are here to help you get where you want to go, both literally and figuratively. What that means is supporting the activities that improve the communities that our stores serve and our employees live in.


    Tri-Par is a proud sponsor of many school, church, and community programs. Not only to say “thank you” and give back for your support, but to help support the thriving social and economic communities that we are a part of.


    Take a look at some of the events and programs that we are proud to be associated with.

  • Built on Family Values

    Tri-Par was founded in 1930 and has grown under family hands ever since. Tri-Par is currently being run by its 3rd generation of the founding family. By being a part of our communities, we tried to pay attention to what needs could be filled and how we could make the lives of the community members better and easier.


    Take a look to learn a bit more about the Tri-Par story.